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La veille c'est déjà demain

12 juillet 2013

Tweets antisémites : Twitter fournira les données à la justice

Finalement, Twitter fournira à la justice les données permettant d'identifier les auteurs des tweets antisémites postés en octobre 2012 sur les hashtag #unbonjuif et #unjuifmort. C'est la fin d'une longue polémique médiatique et judiciaire. Najat Vallaud-Belkacem,...
3 avril 2013

Retailers Track Employee Thefts in Vast Databases

Facing a wave of employee theft, retailers across the country have helped amass vast databases of workers accused of stealing and are using that information to keep employees from working again in the industry. The repositories of information, like First...
26 mars 2013

The Future of Twitter Is Robots Tweeting at Each Other

Twitter is full of weird stuff none of us ever notice because it mostly just looks like spam or nonsense. But if you look closely, as some have, you'll find spies using Twitter to communicate with each other in code, environmental sensors broadcasting...
10 février 2013

Predicting the Future

A method of using online information to accurately predict the future could transform many industries. Researchers have created software that predicts when and where disease outbreaks might occur based on two decades of New York Times articles and other...
7 février 2013

le coût d'un accident nucléaire

L'Autorité de sûreté nucléaire le répète souvent pour appuyer sa doctrine : « l'accident nucléaire est possible en France ». Presque deux ans après la tragédie de Fukushima, l'Institut de radioprotection et de sûreté nucléaire (IRSN), qui joue un rôle...
5 février 2013

Twitter as a corpora

There is a lot to be learned from tweets, if Twitter would let us. Celebrities, politicians, world leaders, news organizations, millions of normal people, and even the occasional cat, use Twitter every day to talk about their breakfast, natural disasters,...
1 février 2013

Predicting the Future By Mining Online News and Other Web Data

A method of using online information to accurately predict the future could transform many industries. Researchers have created software that predicts when and where disease outbreaks might occur based on two decades of New York Times articles and other...
30 janvier 2013

Fake reviews plague consumer websites

H ow much do you trust a review on an independent website that gives a positive account of a company's product or services? Websites such as Trustpilot claim to have millions of "authentic reviews from actual customers" to help shoppers buy online with...
28 janvier 2013

Facebook's search team includes linguists, psychologists and statisticians

Facebook's search team includes linguists, psychologists and statisticians
New York Times Jan 28, 2013, 02.58PM IST CALIFORNIA: Human behavior is Facebook's business. Its success is based on understanding how people are wired: how they present themselves, what they remember, whom they trust, and now, how they seek information....
1 janvier 2013

un cours de la DCRI aux élites de la Nation

En mai, l’Elysée a été piraté et les ordinateurs de plusieurs conseillers haut placés infiltrés, révèle L’Express de ce mercredi. Hasard du calendrier : le jour de la sortie de l’hebdomadaire, j’ai assisté à un séminaire de formation en sécurité informatique...
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